Eggplants stuffed with feta cheese

Eggplants stuffed with feta cheese

2 eggplant flasks
2 Florina peppers, finely chopped
80 GR. arugula
10 cherry tomatoes cut in half
200 gr. grated feta cheese
150 ml olive oil
balsamic vinegar

1. Wash the eggplants and pierce them with a fork. Bake them on the grill until to soften.
2. Cut them in half and place them on a platter. Press the crumb with a spoon creating a dent in them.
3. In a bowl, add the peppers, arugula, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, olive oil, oregano, salt, pepper and mix.
4. Fill the baked eggplants with the mixture.
5. Garnish with a little balsamico.